Крытый бассейн
Спа или велнес-центр
Описание отеля Hoteldorf Gruner Baum 4*
Отельный комплекс представляет собой мини-деревню в небольшой долине, в местечке Кётшах, недалеко от Бад Гаштайна. Здание отеля построено в 1831 г., последняя реконструкция прошла в 2009 г. Комплекс занимает территорию свыше 70 га.
// Обновлено 03 января 2023
График цен
Нет туров в этот отель
Типы номеров
До человек
До человек
До человек
До человек
До человек
95 км от международного аэропорта. 2,5 км от Бад-Гаштайна. Остановка автобуса находится в 100 мУслуги в отеле
Библиотека, автобус до подъемника, конференц-зал на 100 чел., крытый термальный бассейн, бассейн для процедур по Кнайппу, ресторан, кафе Gastgarten, бар Apotheke, термальный фонтан с питьевой водой.- ресторан
- кафе/бар
- крытый бассейн
- конференц-зал/банкетный зал
- бизнес-центр
- автостоянка
- бесплатный Wi-fi
- прачечная
- удобства для людей с инвалидностью
- размещение с животными
- номера для некурящих
- комната для хранения лыж
- трансфер в/из аэропорта
- обмен валют
- оплата платежными картами
Для детей
Видеозал (детские фильмы в комнате отдыха).- детский клуб
- няня
Развлечение и спорт
Солярий.- Спа или велнес-центр
- сауна/баня/хамам
- тренажерный зал
- служба организации торжеств
5 трехэтажных корпусов, 80 номеров: Haupthaus - основное здание, Landhaus - "деревенский домик", Kösslerhaus - "дом Кесслера", Jägerhaus - охотничий домик, Florihaus - "дом Флори". Номера категорий: Double Room "Hunter", Dukes Double, Prince Room, Family Room, Double Room, Single Room.В номерах
- ванна/душ
- фен
- тапочки и халат
- мини-бар
- сейф
- кабельное/спутниковое ТВ
- телефон
- интернет wi-fi
- балкон/терраса
Hoteldorf Grüner Baum•Kötschachtal 25•A-5640 Bad GasteinТелефоны
График цен
Нет туров в этот отель
I am the second time in hotel. Degradation is available. Surprisingly inhospitable hotel.
I arrived in 12 nights and the Reception was closed. There is it works only till 10th evening. Rare idlers reformers of hotel business.
You come to hotel in which you don't wait! !
Somehow I found number. Normal human and clear navigation in hotel is absent.
From a ... →reception to number of meters 150 on a rain and dirt.
Elevators are absent - it was necessary on the third floor пререть suitcases.
About thermal sources told lies - usual thrown and not the well-groomed pool with the very strongly chlorinated water. Where it you saw curative sources with bleaching powder! !
Operating mode of Spa separate subject. In the 12th day they disperse all - idlers have dinner.
Certainly about any stars here the speech can't go.
I took to drive with the company sigvey-palmed off not a readable piece of paper - sign. I thought formality. If. Drove. Handed over сигвеи. Next day expose to me the account-668евро.
It appeared these robbers have specially fulfilled technology of depriving of your money.
The strapper Alexander approaches to you and with an ominous look speaks to you that you made two breakages сигвея, and in a piece of paper which they palmed off on you 250 euros for each smallest breakage are written.
You don't accept them attentively. To mind doesn't come. Receive! ! ominous look Alexander tells this to you that it found scratch on a wheel - pay. And at once starts threatening with police. It is clear that politsay in this village very familiar person who always will be on his party works.
Simply racket. No conversation on an insurance and other civilized things can go speeches.
Clients in Gr? ner Baum not simply don't love. Them hate. They prevent them to live quietly.
The history with sigvey in general smells slightly of a crime. Arrival on trust of his tourist with threats and with extortion of money. Clearly that сигвеи not new, go on the mountains, and scratches on them it is possible to find enough.
Worse that-I to it signed the account for 700 euros at the check a miss, so Alexander smashed 250 more removed. Pure crime.
Weather didn't indulge. And when the first day there was a sun people stretched to the street pool. Not here that was! there workers started scraping a wooden covering round the pool. Asked them not to rustle. Not here that was. Sent. Very roughly and impolitely.
Numbers outdated. Don't conform to standards.
The hotel hardly pulls on three stars.
In the morning for breakfast gave for mouldy bread. Juice in shot glasses from under vodka on 50 grams.